Sunday, November 25, 2012

Rolla, Missouri enjoying myself to the max.  My husband and I got to spend time with out daughter. She took us sight seeing and we had a fun time on the swings at the park in Rolla. 

Daughter and Mom swinging on a sunny afternoon in Rolla.
They had a static train display and a pond. But swings! What fun! We also went and visited the Univ. of Rolla Stonehenge, a half-scale partial reconstruction of the Final Stage of Stonehenge.  It was very interesting and there was also wind and solar power projects. The half-scale Stonehenge was particularly interesting.  It made me wish I could be at Rolla for the winter solstice, but I will be back in Idaho.    My daughter actually lives in Plato, MO.  We visited her for the week of Thanksgiving.  We had wonderful time! We drove up to Crocker, MO, and strolled around their little town and took photos of each other and their static train display. Mary and I drove down to Houston, MO, to get some eggs at the store and explored around there as well. The weather was marvelous until Friday (aka Black Friday).  Then we drove to St. Louis to get ready to depart at oh-dark-thirty Saturday.  On Friday we went to Target in some suburb and there was no crowd. We visited the Union Station and the Arch. Then we walked to the Speghetti Factory on 1st St. at Laclede's Landing. I enjoyed a very nice gluten free lunch. There it is . . . the gluten free portion of this web posting.
November not very productive where quilting is concerned. Made a mess on my day off; Veteran's Day. Big blue failed to function and I came home without my big zebra quilt quilted. It is still in a pile in my office where I don't look at it.  It has to be ripped out, and another appointment made . . . blah!   Meanwhile, went to Missouri again . . .

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Route 66 wall hanging: I finished it this last week. I will also post a photo of it on my Adventures In Quilting list: Hen House Quilting Retreat. I started it on the retreat and got alot of it done at that time. I quilted it along the edge of the wavy parts and around the post cards on the bottom parts. I kept it as simple as possible.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Baby quilt with space ships. I got the quilt top completed. I just need to find some backing fabric and get it quilted. I found another use for my summer bunting that I brought into the house for the winter: hang your small quilt tops from it with clothes pins, so you can take good photos of them.  I copied the odd border layout from a quilt I saw on someone else's blog. I can't remember who's. Tut tut, it looks like rain. That little glow is the pellet stove firing up in the corner of my room.