Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The CONFAB's quilt for Nursing Research Day is quilted!

This is a sneak peak at the CONFAB group quilt. It does not have the binding on yet.
Our quilt was quilted by Bev Hoek. What a great job she has done.

some detail of the quilting on the front.

This is the detail on the back of that lovely stripped material.

Monday, July 15, 2013

What? It is July Already?

Hello!  I have been slacking on the blog side of things. But I have had so much other stuff to do. Some was much fun and some was none fun!  I have done some yard work, despite having air conditioning in my house, which causes me to want to stay in and sew sew sew!  This last weekend, my husband and I built a fence from the corner of our garage to the property line, where we joined it up to the fence there.  I sawed all the fence boards down to the size I wanted them. We did our best to keep them in line and spaced correctly.  I am rather pleased with the result. All that is left is for it to be painted and a little rake up underneath. Also, on Saturday was Eagle Fun Days, so no way to get into Eagle for my violin lesson.  It was a great opportunity for me to go to the dump with my husband.  We treated ourselves to a little java on the way back home, and we had a wonderful time.  We got more yard work done after we got home. 
     Last Tuesday, after work, I rendezvoused with my husband at the Idaho Botanical Garden to enjoy our take out pizza under the hot sun before the Prairie Home Companion show began.  The show was awesome. It was relaxing and enjoyable, however, the sun was very slow in going down.
     Did ride in the Idaho Blue Cruise; a whole 5.5 miles! It was delightful. I also got to see "Blithe Spirit" at the Idaho Shakespeare Festival. Sunday before the 4th, we drove up to Big Rattlesnake Creek and discovered a beaver dam in full swing.  It is beginning to erode the edge of the road! Getting out to the mountains, no matter how hot or dusty, is just one of my very favoritist things in the whole world. We had a picnic lunch and I found a nice shady waddy place to cool off my tootsies. 

Big Rattlesnake Creek is a rapid noisy creek, not usually a placid lake.
 Yes, I did get a dab of quilting done. I even spent some hours with my mom, at the assisted living facility, helping her piece some fabric for a quilt she would like for herself.  It is going slow, but winter is far away.  We will persist.  I did finish my 3D cubes quilt.  Although pink is not my favorite in quilts, I really like how this came out.
Result of the fun class in May at 'Room To Learn'