Sunday, September 20, 2015


This is a lovely color combination, you don't
usually see in licensed fabrics.
I am planning on making my daughter a pillow case with this fanciful sci-fi fabric.  She thinks this is awesome Dalek fabric! I will have some left over to put in a quilt.  I was being good and staying away from the quilt and fabric shops, then sent me their weekly e-mail, which I have been successful at deleting, however, the subject line mentioned Dr. Who fabric and I could not resist a little peek.  That is all it took!  A few days later this envelope of fabric just happened to arrive in my mail box!  Who'd a thunk it?

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

What's on the Design Wall in September??

I am making a new small quilt that I will be displaying on the quilt shelf that I made many years ago. The quilt shelf is mounted on our living room wall, and it has the first quilt I ever made hanging from it.  I want to put that one away for awhile and put something fresh up.  After all, we are doing a major 'fresh up' on our house.  There is a cute quick, does-not-have-to-be-perfect quilt design in the book: pretty little mini quilts by Lark Books.
I am using all the same solid fabric on the two corners of each block to keep it simple yet popping!  I just love this large print bird fabric, so I did some math to figure how big my blocks should be to have enough for impact yet keep it small enough for my wall quilt shelf.  I can hardly wait to sew on it some more!

top photo: 5.5" blocks
lower photo: blocks rearranged a tad, and triangles added
I may need to tweak the arrangement a little.