Friday, June 28, 2019

Just Us Chickens!

It seems I began using these chicken fabrics at about the right time.  Everyone seems to be going chickens!  Last summer I was working on my "Random Chickens Quilt", and traveling up around Cambridge, Council, and McCall.  My dear friend T found a panel with chicken blocks on it, so naturally I had to get it.  Besides, it went with some other chicken yardage I already found somewhere else!  I used two of the chicken blocks and put together a cute wall-hanging for my friend, A.
A's birthday was earlier this month, so I wanted to make her something for her quilt room.  Tada!  I did the stippling on the old Necchi.

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Lone Star Quilt Finished And Delivered

Dianna Slade's purple lone star quilt is finished!  It was some work squaring it up to prepare to be long-arm quilted.  Then after Phyllis Oneal quilted it, I squared it up again.  Yikes!  I got the binding on and am pleased with the outcome.  The main thing is it is finished and not just sitting around as an unfinished quilt any longer.  I scouted out and found a raised spot, for my two tall young men volunteers, to stand on to hold the quilt.  This is a really "big" quilt.

The star and white background was hand-pieced, while the borders were machine-pieced. The very dark purple has a rose pattern in it.  This was given, unfinished, to Dianna.  I cannot date any of the fabrics, but the dark purple and the floral make me want to think it is from the 1980's or 90's.