Saturday, March 19, 2022

Joy In The Journey

My dear friend, A, and I have been working on our "Glamping" quilts.  She purchased the fabrics about two years ago and we are finally getting them done.  We did our entire quilt tops in January, then of course, came the part of making the backings.  Procrastination.  They are both, currently, at the long-arm quilter's place for amazing quilting.  

I had purchased a couple fabrics at the local quilt shop to go with what A had provided, which included a contrasting fabric from Riley Blake's 'Joy in the Journey' fabric line.  
It is charcoal with flowers, and I had saved enough for both of our bindings.  Meanwhile, Marsha whipped up a nine-patch quilt and needed an outer border, and the charcoal with flowers fabric was perfect.  I did not want to short-change A and I of our binding material, so I went to the quilt shop and naturally they were out.  Luckily, I was able to order more from, so Marsha was able to finish her quilt.  [Click on "nine-patch", above, to view Marsha's Nine-Patch Madness quilt.]

Let's discuss looking for fabric at  All our glamping fabrics are from Riley Blake, so while searching for the charcoal with flowers fabric, I stumbled onto some amazing got-to-have-it Kewpie fabric (from Riley Blake).  Three Kewpie fabrics to be exact, so my additional three fabrics arrived with the Joy in the Journey charcoal with flowers fabric.  I needed to make something with the Kewpie fabric right away.  I made a wall-hanging for my dear friend, A.  I used some of the charcoal with flowers on the inner border of the wall-hanging.  That stuff is amazing!  It just goes with everything!  Yes, I still have enough for our bindings.  Really, I do.

click on the photo to see the details and Kewpie Dolls closer up

Thursday, March 3, 2022

New Beginnings

I retired from work earlier this week.  My first day of retirement was March 1.  I have a lot to look forward to.  I have time to visit with folks I don't usually see very often.  I will be getting more exercise.  I may get some things cleaned out and tidied up around the house.  I am going to meet regularly with my cousin and see if we can make some joyful noise with our stringed instruments.  I can state, as a fact, that I have played Mozart and Bach, however, I am extremely rusty.  I am hoping to improve.  My husband and I, and possibly two cats, will be doing some traveling around the nation in our RV.  Yes, I am going to be quilting and keeping up blogs.  My dear friend, Daria, gave me a retirement gift of an art quilting course, that I am very excited about.  I have one quilt project to complete prior to me allowing myself to start the course.  I know I will be very absorbed in the art quilting, so I want to get the backing made and the quilt quilted and bound before I start on this amazing odyssey. 

March 1 was a gray cloudy day, but there was a pinch of sunshine to the southeast. My day.

My Glamping Quilt is at the quilters, as I type. My 'Similar to Gees Bend' quilt is the one needing a backing, quilted, and bound.  Then art quilt time!  Then make a duffle type tool bag, Star quilt, Unikitty quilt, plaid quilt, military quilt for Education, kitchen sink quilt, red and green quilt, Elvis quilt, shark quilt, an artsy quilt with blue churn dashes, and making a coat from a quilt (VFW).  Plus, I have a quilt top, I made in 2020, out of old lady fabrics, and it needs a backing and quilted.  Okay, that is a quick summary!

My next post is already determined. It is about one of the fabrics in our glamping quilts. It's amazing!!