It was one year ago today, that I began tinkering with the attributes of blogdom. I must say, I have enjoyed the learning, posting photos, and info on how to do odds and ends of quilt things. I reference the books, magazines, and patterns that I use to make my creations, although a rarely follow the directions 100%. I like my creations to be unique. I explain my ideas. I have so many ideas and not enough time to make them all. My stash is a sure-fire indicator! I also experiment to learn new ways of doing things. I was looking to cheat, and use my sewing machine to stitch that hat on the snowman wall hanging, so I spent four hours experimenting with the fancy stitches on my machine. I did turn out an unexpected wallhanging, that is somewhat crazy quiltish, but I didn't get the hat sewed on the snowman. I sat down and spent 20 minutes with needle and thread and had the hat hand sewn on. Some things just need hand sewing. It looks so nice! Here is the wallhanging that grew out of my stitch experiment.
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