Thursday, April 9, 2015

Exclusive Apparatus

Well, sometimes it pays to visit your mother. I was over visiting tonight and she said she had been going through the drawers in her old sewing machine and she had found an apparatus, and perhaps I would like to have it.  It was strange that she did not call it a thing-a-ma-bob or something similar.  It is indeed an apparatus.  We agreed that it is an exclusive apparatus, since we doubt that we know anyone else who has one.  I am sure there may be a few out there, but these things are old and not flaunted.  Of course there are new versions of this same thing available, even locally at The Cotton Club, but it is rare to see such an old specimen; and yes that is true of my mother, also.  I kind of want to put a smiley face here. :)  There.  If anyone knows the true nomenclature of this item, please leave me a comment.
It is old and the plug looks a tad on the unsafe side.
It is to add light to your sewing machine, but the machine must have a thin neck like those old Singers and Whites.  I don't think it will help my Husqvarna!

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