Monday, June 18, 2018

Blame It On Bonnie Quilt

The "Blame It On Bonnie" quilt is finished.  I finished sewing on the binding on Friday night at 8 PM.  Then Saturday morning I got my Aunt Daisy, and T came over and we went on a road trip, to Council, to put the quilt in their annual quilt show.  After we dropped it off, we had a picnic in the park and T and I swang on the swings.  Not a pretty sight, but a lot of fun!  Then we drove back by way of New Meadows, McCall, Donnelly, Cascade, and Horseshoe Bend.  We visited both quilt shops in McCall, where I fed my addiction.  What fun we all had.

Daisy and the Blame It On Bonnie quilt.
Payette Lake 06/16/18
Flowers in front of Granny's Attic Quilt Shop

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