Greetings! I finally sewed the binding on to my B&W Mostly quilt. Things have been so different this year. Sometimes it is hard to get motivated to put the final touches on some things. I did hand-sew the binding on this one. I did consider making a doll quilt like this, but decided to leave that to 'the girls'. Check out their recent posts by using the link, to the left, titled "Gluten Free Doll Quilts."
I wish Teresa was here to see my B&W Mostly quilt. I think I will measure it and hers, then see if they will hang side-by-side on my big display wall. It is time for the Wonky Houses quilt to take a rest in the closet. It has been hanging up there for three years. B&W Mostly is refreshing. What I was not sure of, but am now, is the b&w stripped edge on the right and left sides of my quilt. It is a design element from quilts earlier in the 20th century. It just did not make me happy until it was all finished. Now it looks just right!
Love the cats in space suits fabric! It is like an eye-spy quilt!