Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Tiny Quilt

Last night, after we watched Scrooged, I found some odd pieces of fabric in my design book.  I decided to rearrange them and make a tiny quilt with them.  After I pieced them together, they were kind of wonky, so I left that as part of the quilt character.  I added a little embroidery at the bottom, then I found a piece of backing fabric that matched one of the half-square triangles.  In my embroidery/handwork bag, I found my tiny spool of tatting/crochet thread, that I bought at the Re-use Market.  I decided to use it to hand quilt the tiny quilt.  It went pretty quick, then I went to bed.  This morning, I turned the edges of the backing toward the front to create my cheaty binding, which I whip-stitched into place. Ta-da!  All finished in a few hours.  

It measures 4.5" X 5.5".  This could be something I could do to get rid of all the little half-square triangle blocks I have.  Isn't it wonderful?  Have a merry Christmas!