Saturday, March 18, 2023

Still Scraps Remain

Greetings!  It is finally springtime in Idaho.  The crocus are in bloom along my front walkway, so that is something.  I have moved on from black and white quilts forever, I hope.  I won't say never.  I am still working on that pile of quilt tops that need quilting.  I am down from six to three; half-way done!

This is the Black & White Mostly #4 quilt.  It started out as a quilt back for number 3, but I liked how it looked so much it had to become a whole nother quilt.  I am sure you understand.  You can click on the photo to enlarge it, so you can see the details better.  I used some courthouse steps blocks, in here, and a couple of Deb Rowdin's hearts.
                   video of how #4 went together:  click HERE

I have been honing my video making skills and I know I did better on this video than the previous one, so give it a chance . . . and have a view, please.  It shows how it went together from scraps remaining from the previous one, to the scraps remaining after this one.  Still scraps remain.  
I still had some scraps after I finished #4, but they are finally significantly less. I stuffed these on the shelf with my black and white fabrics, but I should move them to the bin with all the strips for making another "random" quilt.  It will need bits of b&w.

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Black & White Mostly (#3) Quilt is Finished and Photographed

Black & White Mostly #3 is wider than an outhouse.  It looked like an outhouse, but maybe it was a pumphouse instead.  Finally, it has quit snowing, sleeting, and down right down-pouring long enough for me to get out and take some photos of my finished black and white mostly quilts.  This one I finished in February.  Please, check my Dec 29, 2022, post called "Taking Stock", to read all about how I created this quilt.  There is also a video.

After Teresa and I finished the first two B&W Mostly quilts, there were lots (tons) of scraps left over.  I unearthed that pile in December and decided it needed to go . . . . into a quilt.  I started making a backing from the still remaining scraps, when I liked what I was seeing and decided it was not a back, but a top.  Thus, we have B&W #4, which I will take you through in my next post.  It is simply a lovely day in Treasure Valley.