Sunday, September 27, 2020

What's On The Design Wall In September?

It has been a busy year, and the projects are still piled up.  Sometimes I tend to get the cart before the horse.  For example, the quilt that is coming along on my design wall, has caused me to shoot off into another direction . . .see those cute little wonky houses along the bottom?  I canniblized three of them and made them into the most amazing wall hanging, while the original project is still on the design wall.  I had to make more little wonky houses to replace the ones I took for the wall hanging.

This does look really exciting!  This is my Obnoxious IV quilt.  I think Obnoxious V finally left my brain, so I will get back to normal after this one is finished.  I am excited about getting this one done, but I have three more quilts to put binding on, one to photograph then give away, and another wall hanging and two doll quilts to wrangle, besides.  Below is my Wonky House Wall Hanging!  I used my walking foot to quilt it along the yellow lines in the border.  I used yellow thread.  The solid black binding makes it stand out.

Sunday, September 13, 2020

GREAT, As In Really Big

 I did get the Obnoxious I quilt finished and mailed to my aunt in Phoenix.  With all those 115 degree days last month, I was thinking, "Boy, she really needs a quilt, and fast!"  I am glad it does not get that hot in Idaho.  I actually did some quilting, off-the-grid in August.  It was pretty hot up in Rattlesnake Creek, but my husband got me hooked into the solar panels and I sewed a whole bunch of 3-inch strips for over an hour, in the shade of the awning on our RV.  Then I put my sewing machine away and got my small iron out and pressed all of the strips I had sewed.  We were both quite satisfied with how the solar power worked with my Necchi and my iron.  Then I went down and sat in the creek for about 45 minutes, to cool off.  Here is the greatest (as in really big) quilt I have ever made.  I think I will stick to smaller ones in the future.  from L to R: my helpers, Tina, Kate, Sandy

This is Obnoxious I, which inspired Obnoxious II (if you scroll down, you can see it in an earlier summer post), Obnoxious III (which is currently at the long-arm quilters), and Obnoxious IV (which is still in suspension on my design wall).