Monday, August 29, 2016

Made a Fat Quarter Pop-up!!

Sometime in June, I discovered the Fat Quarter Pop-Up.  I bought one from Nancy at Nancy's Quilt Shop in Nampa.  Then I bought a refill (spring) in Bend, OR on the way back from the Sister's Quilt Show in July.  Nancy came to our Kuna meeting last Wednesday and gave a lovely demonstration on how to make these Pop-ups!  All you add is your own fat quarter.
Friday night I got out my license plate fabric fat quarter and got started.  I finished it up on Saturday morning, just before my hair appointment. I took the Pop-up with me, and I stopped at my dear friend's house to wish her a happy birthday.  I gave her the pop-up. A perfect home made gift!
It has a metal spring inside and a piece of elastic sewn into
the side seam, so you can smoosh it down and secure it
with the elastic, so it is compact. Take the elastic off and it pops-up!
It is a handy container to take to quilting retreats to hold
your scraps, or whatever you decide to put in it.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Summer should get a speeding ticket!

I have gotten a couple of quilts finished! Hoorah! My stack n' whack doll quilt got a blue ribbon at the Western Idaho State Fair! Yeah! I have been cleaning, painting, and organizing our garage, so not much quilting or blogging going on.  But hey, here are my top picks for the quilt shows I went to in July:
Council Quilt Show -hand quilted -Spools by Barbara Huey
of Indian Valley, ID
Sisters Quilt Show -my favorite. By Pati Fried of
Piedmont, CA -love the fabrics and the background!
a little closer so you can see the detail;
especially the selvage edges that make up
the background
Love it! Don't know who did it.
Quilt backs blowing. Sisters Quilt Show

Sisters Quilt Show -hand quilted by Jan Tetzlaff of
Bend, OR, Guatemala Color
Star Quilt Show:I wanted to include a photo of this entire quilt,
but the blog program only lets me show it sideways, even when
I chopped it into top and bottom. Here is the close-up;
you can see the bunny ear details and kites.  This one
was by Saralyn Lynart; it is called Seasons in A Row