Sunday, July 31, 2016

Duck Tape Quilt -oh yeah!

I had an extremely busy July:
1st  Sat in July –Council Quilt Show –took Aunt Daisy and my friend T

2nd weekend in July –Sisters Quilt Show –went with my friends to 3 days, two nights, quilting adventure in Sisters, Oregon

3rd Sat in July –Star Quilt Show –took Aunt Daisy and Duree and then went out for Mexican food!  What fun.

20th of July –flew to Missouri and drove back to Boise with our daughter and stopped in Hamilton MO (quilting Mecca of USA)

4th weekend of July  -M and I used duck tape to make a sun drape for our back patio, which looks like a quilt! I used my half-hexi ruler that I bought at the Missouri Star Quilt Company in Hamilton MO.

Monday, July 4, 2016

Happy Fourth of July! What is on the Design Wall in July?

It is the 4th of July! Yeah! I did some yard work, have to go visit my Mom and run some errands this afternoon, maybe run through the sprinkler. Although, I did run through the sprinkler at the Lyons Club Park in Council, ID, on Saturday afternoon.  What fun!  We went to the Council Quilt Show, had a picnic, and I ran through the sprinkler, while T swang (yes!, swang!) on the swing, and Daisy looked on with great amusement.  I will post pictures of my favorite quilts at the Council Quilt Show, later this week.  Meanwhile, below is a photo of the quilt I am working on for "Scrap Happy". 
     I started the quilt, below, in late 2008.  I wanted it to look scrappy but I was short on RWB scraps, so I was using repeat fabrics and trying to put together different combinations of the same fabrics in the blocks, and it was very limiting.  I put it away and went on to enhance my quilting skills on many other quilts since then. When I went into quilt shops, if I did not need something for the current quilt, I would look for fun red, white, and blue fabrics to add to my stash.  I have discovered, this last week, that I truly have enough RWB to get on with finishing this quilt top.  I have discovered, that my old skills (2008-2009) were a bit more sloppy than I am today, but I am going to use those old sections and just fill in the gaps with the new fabrics.  The newer fabrics actually date through the entire time-frame after 2009 until day-before-yesterday.  Yes, had to buy some red and white fabric, in Cambridge, on the way back from Council! 

I have used some of these fabrics in
other quilts I have made since 2008.