Tuesday, May 19, 2020

What Madness Now?

What is on the design wall in May? I am calling it the creative process. Whomever invented the California king was mental.  But now, I do more research into quilt sizes, and although they vary from website to website, to my reference book, to a reference card from a quilt shop I used to love, to my own long-arm quilter, it is this very pattern I am using that is way out in left field in comparison.  The pattern is Texas Two Step.  It indicates 13 blocks by 13 blocks (nine inch square blocks) is for a regular king.  But that would make the regular king size 117" X 117", and I would want to add at least two rows for a Cal king, but then that would be 135".  That is craziness!  Using my other references, I have come to a decision to make my quilt 11 blocks long and 12 blocks wide, equaling 99" X 108", which is bigger than a regular king.  My long-arm quilter states, 100" X 102" is the Calif king size.  I am pretty darn close to that.  In light of this size revelation, I am much closer to being finished, with the top, than I thought.  Here is what is on my design wall right now.
See the blocks behind my hat tree?  Those are pinned up and I still need another column on the far right.  I need two more rows across the bottom.  These are not all sewed together yet. The nine inch blocks are, but not to each other.  I like the pattern, but the size chart in it is not realistic.  I am happy that I will be able to use some of the 110" wide backing fabric on the back.  I may have to add a ten inch strip to make it wide enough for long arm quilting.  This is the only Calif king quilt this girl is going to make.  I am excited that this one is coming along so well, and relieved I don't have to make more rows/columns.  I am going to sew the rows together, in lengths of 9 blocks, then do the three columns on the right end and add those three to the rest to get the whole thing together.  I either need to move my hat tree or fold the top to the left and continue the pattern on the right side of my design wall.  I think the latter.  I will update soon!  Keep on quilting!

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