Thursday, April 9, 2020

Donation Quilts

I have completed two donation quilts.  My friend, Shannan, gave me some odd left over blocks from a quilt project she did.  They are 5"X5" squares of cooking bears, bees, rabbits, carrots, and ducks.  I added a couple of light fabrics to the mix and whipped up a cute child's quilt to donate.  I did a stitch in the ditch on my home sewing machine.  It turned out soft and adorable.

Then, I completed our quilt groups BoM (block of the month) and made an extra one.  I was looking through the pile of unfinished work on my buffet and found some card trick blocks that our quilt group had done last year.  They donated them for a donation quilt and, of course, yours truly ended up with them.  I decided I wanted this done and out of my house!  So, I added my BoM to the mix (top center block) and tried to figure out how to put these blocks together in a quilt.  The trouble with getting blocks from 5 or 6 other quilters is they never turn out to be the same size.  The smallest one was 11.5 inches instead of 12.5 inches, so I placed it on the back.  As it turns out, I really like the back of this quilt.  I don't care for the front so much, but my daughter does, so statistically someone else will like it, too.  It is fun and it is done.  I just need to turn these quilts in, so they can be donated.
This is the card trick quilt; to be donated
Back of card trick quilt.  I like the back better than the front. But that is just me.

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