Sunday, April 5, 2020

I go to work, I go home. I go to work, I go home.

     I go to work. I go home. I work at a medical center and have been deemed essential personnel.  At home, I have been quilting!  I have been a busy little bee!  Of my nine UFO's on my list to complete in 2020, I have four completed and number five is at the long-arm quilter's house.  In addition to that, I have completed two donation quilts, one art quilt, and have been working with "the girls" on some doll quilts.  Now, I am doing two things: working on Aunt Karen's quilt and gearing up to make masks.  My daughter, who resides in another state, has her e-mail blocked with over 5000 e-mails, so she cannot login and view the fab photos I just e-mailed her today.  I am posting the photos I took of Ebony, that she cannot access in her Yahoo e-mail. 
    When I am working on quilt backs and I put a large piece of fabric on my ironing surface (which is on the top of a book case), she stops whatever she is doing and runs over and goes between my fabric and the ironing board (bookcase).  She plops her butt down, usually on my foot, and then spreads herself out causing the fabric to want to come down on her, but I have it under my iron on top the ironing board.  Well, this time the fabric was not draped on the floor, just barely off the floor, so I took a few seconds to grab my camera and take a couple photos.
Ebony's backside sticking out from under the fabric I am trying to press.
Ebony looking like "What is your face doing down here by me and my fabric?"

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